Sea Salt

Sea Salt -

Sea Salt

Sea salt is a nutrient rich crystalline substance naturally produced by the evaporation of seawater. Although mainly comprised of the same stuff as mined table salt (sodium chloride), sea salt differs in the addition of other nutrients and minerals naturally occurring in the waters from whence they came.

Most sea salt on the market today is harvested in the Mediterranean region, where it is typically sun dried. This method is a much more economic solution to acquiring salt than mining for mineral salt. There have been claims that sea salt is healthier in diet than table salt, but this claim is debatable. For cosmetic purposes, however, it is far superior, not only because of the added minerals, but due to its less abrasive texture as compared to mined salt.

We use sea salt as an exfoliant in our body scrubs. There are so many benefits of exfoliation it can be had to name them all! Regular exfoliation is helpful in getting rid of the dull, dead skin cells that linger on our skin. This has numerous effects such as revealing, softer, smoother skin, improving texture, evening skin tone, and brightening complexion.

Sea salt also helps to detoxify the skin by cleaning deep into pores and drawing out impurities. All of these combine help fight the signs of aging, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Another huge benefit of exfoliation is it's ability to allow other skin care products to penetrate deeper, delivering more of the good stuff your skin craves. It's a lot harder for moisture to get past dead cells than the fresh, new skin exfoliation reveals.

The following products contain sea salt: